Monday, February 25, 2013

5 precepts Facial

A forehead all year round with acne?

Many sisters have such troubles.
Because the most forehead acne representatives heart Huo, blood circulation problems, may be too labor heart trouble. If you look, you will find such temper is not very good, you should be into the habit, adequate sleep, and drink plenty of water. For more information, please check taobao.

Do not because of the long forehead acne shear thick bangs, that would make the forehead skin can not breathe properly aggravate acne.

Question two, around the nose and acne-prone areas

Because The most common acne long nose at, which means you poor appetite, may be a big stomach fire, digestive system abnormalities, spleen Ministry also is affected by gastrointestinal function.

Want nose acne quickly disappear, remember to remind myself not to eat too greasy, gastrointestinal refreshing refreshing. In addition, for constipation, flatulence bothering nose near easy acne.
Problem long chin acne
Said with impaired renal function or disorders of the endocrine system. Many women before and after menstruation chin long acne will gradually disappear, to menstrual.

Special attention to the body's overall nursed back to health in the physical period, maintain a normal daily routine, adequate sleep and a balanced diet is very important.
Problem cheeks Zhangdou Because The acne long position in the left cheek, indicates that your liver function may not be sufficiently smooth, something had gone wrong, such as the liver secretion, detoxification or hematopoietic function, need liver detoxification conditioning, to keep the mood is also very important.
Long on the right cheek pulmonary dysfunction, a lot of cold, are easy on the right cheek fierce acne.

Prevention of the Road, is paying particular attention to the maintenance of the respiratory tract. In addition, food allergies also should be avoided, such as mango, taro, eggplant, seafood.
Problem, eye diseases

Eyes not only the viewfinder or observation of the world perspective window of healthy, many problems can be reflected through the eyes.
Said Dr Smith, the chief investigator for the U.S. National Eye Institute, the eyes can reflect your health.

1, bloodshot eyes
If the eyes are in pain, they need to find a doctor to look at is infected with a disease called scleritis, if only one eye is affected, serious problems may occur.
2, find fault
Eyes swollen bumps to thyroid problems.
3 ptosis
Drooping eyelids most aging performance, if only one eye ptosis, and even throat need to quickly see a doctor, because it may have been a serious problem.
4, asymmetric pupil
Sometimes innate, but when a pupil of volume changes may appear pupil nerve or the occurrence of brain tumors.
5, white spots on the iris of the eye
Corneal ulcers, usually caused by wearing contact lenses to see a doctor immediately.
6, itchy, red and watery eyes water
These signs may show allergies, try the medication and cold compresses.
7, the color of the eyelids
The inside of the upper eyelid, such as pink indicates that the physical condition, if there is red that dysfunction of the blood, digestive and reproductive organs, appear white to show that the lack of hemoglobin, anemia or blood circulation disorders appear red and yellow may be the kidney, liver, spleen pancreas, heart dysfunction.
8, about the black eye
If accompanied by some unusual symptoms of dark circles, sometimes the signs of the disease. By modern medicine, many chronic diseases, affect the microcirculation occurs to varying degrees of dark circles, will be accompanied by some obvious symptom of a disease, then it is not just the problem of the kidney, but involving the heart, liver, spleen and lung. Any organ is sick, sometimes showed black eye, liver cirrhosis, nephritis, renal failure, respiratory failure, and blood diseases or endocrine disorders will appear dark circles.
9, whites color
To judge from the whites of the eyes, the whites of the eyes yellow, it may have liver disease worries; anemia usually eyeball pale; allergy problems the whites of the eyes of the color will darken the luster faded grays.

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